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Onigiri Bento Box Review (333)

I waited with my cell phone at hand all day yesterday and it did not ring. All I can do now is keep my phone charged, kick myself in the ass on a regular basis for missing out on a shot to attend one of the Lost characters’ weddings, and keep on bentoing. On the bright side, I have a very pretty bento box to cry my bitter tears of disappointment into.


Today’s product review is a bento box from the bento box supply store, Bento & Co. This site is written exclusively in French, but represents a couple operating their online store from Kyoto, Japan. Their webmaster says that they are looking into having an English version of their site next month, so keep checking back. They sell many beautiful Hakoya boxes, metal boxes, and charaben accessories. They have astonishingly good photography of their boxes and accessories, so be sure to check it out!

The box I am using today is their Kimono Pink Onigiri Bento Box. Designed to hold approximately three triangle onigiri on the top, there is a small container on the bottom for holding the rest of the meal. The red strap comes with the box and when I opened it up, there was a package of rectangle sauce bottles! That was a nice surprise!


At first I thought that the triangular “roof” cover was too short to hold my onigiri, but it surprisingly fit right on. I just had to make sure my onigiri weren’t too big. I made the three by hand, which just goes to show that not everything needs to be done with a mold. ^_- The first is plain rice with a sakura nori cutout. The second is mixed with Nori Komi Furikakeand the third has an ume in the center and a nori jacket.

The bottom layer of food has some leftover Korean bbq chicken, sliced up for easy eating. Next to it are three grape tomatoes, which I added for the red color. I put in a cute fish food cup, which again goes back to what I said about how the decorated food cups are an unnecessary bento item. I thinly sliced up some cucumber kim chee and put that into the cup, completely covering the little fishies. Finally, needing some orange, I sliced three kumquats in half and tucked them in. The lettuce and tomatoes will make a nice mini salad.

As you may have noticed, I’m trying something new today with my photos. I went to Ben Franklin last week and let them rake over my wallet in exchange for some branches of fake flowers. I would never have thought fake flowers would cost so much. Maybe I can try Target and see if they’re a bit kinder. Anyway, using this tutorial, I added a bit of soft focus to the pictures.  Let me know what you guys think! One thing’s for sure, I need to work on taking my other background material out. I can’t stand that the back of the mat looks like it’s sitting on a blanket. 🙁

Mr. Pikko took our bedroom TV to work and he suggested I use the drawer it used to be on as a platform for my lightbox. He’s so full of good ideas sometimes! I think it may be time to invest in two more lamps though. I find that I still don’t have enough light in the front of my images. Maybe I’ll make a new lightbox, this time using the full size. The one I have now is a half size. I’ll have to look around online for white masking tape this time too.

Everyone cross your fingers that I get another casting call for some other scene. I can be a useful background actor, really!