Rib Salad Bento and Announcements
Last night after dinner we were watching a movie and at the end, the man goes to get the woman, he proposes, they share a long kiss. We’re watching in silence when Buddy blurts out, “They’re sharing germs.”
This from the little boy who just a few days ago declared he was going to marry his mommy. There was much bust laughing after that.
Today I’m having leftover ribs. I was going to pack it with rice, but when I looked into the rice cooker I found that I’d miscalculated how much was left over last night. So instead of rice, I turned it into a rib salad, peeling the meat off the bones and pairing it with ripped green leaf lettuce. On the side I have some leftover baked beans and corn. Now that I look at the corn though, it looks like I have a smudge on my lens. 🙁
I’ve packed this lunch in my blue Zojirushi Mini Bento. It’s a wonderful set if you’re looking for a Christmas gift for someone looking to brown bag it on a regular basis. It’s even got a matching thermos
! If blue is not your style, there’s also a more girly version
I have a couple of things to announce today. The first being my EasyLunchBoxes Giveaway winner. Drum roll please!
Congrats Timeeka! May you pack many yummy lunches in your new easy lunch boxes!
I will be emailing you to collect your information, which will then go to the people over at EasyLunchBoxes and they will send you your prize.
In other news, I decided to start a new blog, one that is just a general cooking kind of blog. Learn2Cook is where I’ll be moving all my general cooking, baking, eating, and gardening. It’s got five general categories, which cover pretty much everything I feel weird about posting here on my bento blog:
- Disaster Area – all the things that go wrong in my kitchen, which as you guys know, can be pretty often
- Giveaways – free stuff I give out, sponsored by either me or a company (there’s one right now!)
- Learn Stuff – tutorials split into Learn2 Bake, Learn2Cook, Learn2Eat, Learn2Grow, and Learn2Prep
- Reviews – cookbook and product reviews
- WTF is This? – a section exploring bizarre tools and foods
I hope you guys will take a look and follow my kitchen adventures there as well!
Tags: baked beans, corn, giveaway, ribs, Salad