Tomato Basil Penne Bento
Last night was a bit of hell, as I’d spent the day digging up dead grass roots to till soil to plant watermelon and some weird seeds my dad gave us called “Black Soybean”. Since I did this by hand with a small spade, my right hand was so sore that I was whimpering while trying to fall asleep. I’m guessing this is what is in black bean sauce, but I’m not sure. I’m especially unsure what to do with them once they grow…
Today I’m having leftover Tomato Basil Penne, the recipe for which you can find on my cooking blog Learn 2 Cook. It was super quick to make and even quicker to pack, since all I did was toss it into a bento box and pack some fruits to go with it! In the other tier, you can see two apple bunnies (in keeping with the New Year’s theme) and some sliced apple banana. I have other apple slices propping them up. It’s packed in my 3-in-One Totoro Bento Box from J-List.
Just a quickie post for today, as I got up too late this morning to write much else. Happy Monday!
Tags: apple, apple banana, banana, Bento, mozzarella, parsley, Pasta, tomato