Teriyaki Chicken Bento (525)
Just about two weeks ago, Mr. Pikko got a call from Buddy’s preschool and they told him that he fell and that he should probably get picked up, cause he had a lump. They didn’t sound very urgent about it, so he didn’t rush down to go get him. He finally gets there and there’s this huge golf ball-sized bump full of blood in the center of his forehead.
He took him to the ER where they said he seemed okay and to watch him for odd behavior, which, as Aimee pointed out to me on Facebook, can be hard because Buddy is always acting like a crazy boy. As of today, he’s fine. Unless you count the hard ridge in the middle of his forehead. 🙁
Here is a bento that I made for myself last week Friday. I would normally have cut up the chicken, but it was pretty tender already and cutting it would have just uglified it. In the top left, I have some ahi poke. It really smelled when I brought the box home that afternoon. The ume and cucumber pickles were soooo good.
Looking at that bento just reminds me of how dumb I can be though. You see the yellow takuan? Well, I was opening up a new tub of it and being that I’m all thumbs, I was having a hard time. Suddenly it snaps open and falls to the ground. Luckily, only 2 pieces fell out, but since the bottom smacked right onto the floor, of course this sprayed sticky, sweet, yellow vinegar all over my floor and cabinets.
Oh the rage. It burned.
The good news is, I found some lost kitchen items last night. There’s still a handful of things to unpack and I’d been looking EVERYWHERE for my kitchen shears and my rolling pin and my hand mixer attachments. I finally found them all in a box I thought was something else. Whew!
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Tags: ahi poke, Bento, broccoli, cucumber pickles, Kids, rice, takuan, Teriyaki Chicken, tomato, ume